I'm a student in Computer Science with interests in cryptography, comprehension of low-level concepts and, more recently, abstract interpretation with its usage in static analysis.
I like to create programs which are beautiful, clear and efficient. I've learned some programming language in order to expand my knowledge and my possibilities of creating a variety of different programs.
But I also like to explore the formal side of the creation of programs, the properties that we can prove on these programs, and the usage of mathematics to this end.
I master some languages and tools such as
I also have some knowledge of other languages such as
BSc. in Computer Science obtained with honors (14.96/20).
Internship about formalization and implementation of static analysis by abstract interpretation of inline assembly in C code.
My report in French is available here.
Internship about the bootstrapping of a future project on distributed algorithms. Details and report in English awaiting publication.
Project about the implementation of a static analyzer using the octagon abstract domain.
The report in English is available here.